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6 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

6 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Medical advancements have improved spine surgery. Whether you need a tumor removed, an abnormality corrected, decompression, or another form of surgical spinal care, a minimally invasive procedure can deliver a broad range of benefits. 

In fact, the practice of Patrick S. Hill, MD, chooses to specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery for that exact reason. With this type of procedure, he performs your surgery through tiny incisions using a scope with a tiny camera. That limits your surgical risks and helps you bounce back faster. At our office in Beverly Grove, Los Angeles, California, Dr. Hill can help determine if you’re a candidate for minimally invasive surgery. 

Minimally invasive surgery requires more skill on your surgeon’s side, but it’s well worth it for the results. Here are six of the most significant benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery.

#1: Less blood loss

While surgeons have expertise in limiting blood loss during their procedures, it is significantly easier when they only have to make tiny incisions. With a minimally invasive procedure, Dr. Hill all but eliminates the risk of excessive blood loss during your spine surgery. 

#2: Lower risk of complications

Excess bleeding isn’t the only risk that is reduced when you choose minimally invasive procedures. Because your incisions are so small, the pathway for infections to get into your system is limited. Plus, this type of surgery generally requires less anesthesia, shrinking your risk of an adverse reaction. 

You also get less scarring with this option, which reduces your risk of problematic scar tissue. Plus, minimally invasive surgery limits the impact on your surrounding muscles. 

#3: Less time in the hospital

After minimally invasive surgery, most people can return home within a few days. With open surgery, you might need to stay at the hospital for a week or more. 

#4: A shorter overall recovery period

You don’t just get home faster with minimally invasive procedures. Most people also fully recover from their surgery more quickly. That can slash your recovery window from a year to a few months. 

#5: Reduced need for pain medications

A minimally invasive procedure can mean less discomfort afterward, reducing the dependency on pain management medications — and the unwelcome side effects that often come with them. 

#6: Equally effective results

You don’t have to give anything up by choosing minimally invasive surgery. If you’re a candidate for this option, Dr. Hill can help you get the same results as you would with a traditional open procedure. 

If you need spine surgery, you deserve to know if a minimally invasive procedure could be an option for you. To find out, call our office or schedule your appointment online today. 

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